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Boundary Domain Integral Equations for Variable Coefficient Mixed BVP in 2D Unbounded Domain

Received: 26 July 2024     Accepted: 20 August 2024     Published: 30 August 2024
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In this paper, the direct segregated Boundary Domain Integral Equations (BDIEs) for the Mixed Boundary Value Problems (MBVPs) for a scalar second order elliptic Partial Differential Equation (PDE) with variable coefficient in unbounded (exterior) 2D domain is considered. Otar Chkadua, Sergey Mikhailov and David Natroshvili formulated both the interior and exterior 3D domain of the direct segregated systems of BDIEs for the MBVPs for a scalar second order elliptic PDE with a variable coefficients. On the other hand Sergey Mikhailov and Tamirat Temesgen formulated only the interior 2D domain of the direct segregated systems of BDIEs for the MBVPs for a scalar second order divergent elliptic PDE with a variable coefficients. However, in this paper we formulated the exterior 2D domain of the direct segregated systems of BDIEs for the MBVPs for a scalar second order divergent elliptic PDE with a variable coefficients. The aim of this work is to reduce the MBVPs to some direct segregated BDIEs with the use of an appropriate parametrix (Levi function). We examine the characteristics of corresponding parametrix-based integral volume and layer potentials in some weighted Sobolev spaces, as well as the unique solvability of BDIEs and their equivalence to the original MBVPs. This analysis is based on the corresponding properties of the MBVPs in weighted Sobolev spaces that are proved as well.

Published in International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics (Volume 10, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijtam.20241002.12
Page(s) 23-32
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Partial Differential Equation, Variable Coefficient, Unbounded Domain, Weighted Sobolev Spaces, Parametrix (Levi Funtion), Single Layer Potential, Mixed Boundary Value Problem, Boundary-Domain Integral Equations

1. Introduction
Mathematical modeling of inhomogeneous media (such as functionally graded materials or materials with damage-induced inhomogeneity) in solid mechanics, electromagnetics, thermo-conductivity, fluid flows through porous media, and other branches of physics and engineering frequently involves PDEs with variable coefficients. When the PDE coefficients are not constant, there are typically no explicit fundamental solutions available, which makes it impossible to solve BVPs for such PDEs numerically. However, for an extensive range of variable-coefficient PDEs, an explicit parametrix (Levi function) linked to a fundamental solution of corresponding frozen coefficient PDEs can be utilized instead. This reduces BVPs for these PDEs in interior domains to BDIE systems for additional numerical solution of the latter. (e.g., ).
The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate the reduction of mixed problems with variable coefficients in exterior domains to certain systems of BDIEs. Additionally, we aim to explore the distinct solvability of BDIEs and their equivalence to the original BVP in the weighted Sobolev spaces. To achieve this, we extend to exterior domains and weighted spaces, using the techniques developed in for interior domains and standard Sobolev (Bessel potential) spaces.
The characteristics of the related boundary value problems are crucial to the BDIE analysis. Today, a lot of research has been done on variable-coefficient BVPs in bounded domains, (e.g., ). In particular, the analysis of segregated boundary-domain integral equations for variable-coefficient MBVPs 3D unbounded domains can be found in . Nonetheless, due to the logarithmic term in the parametrix of the related partial differential equation, the BDIEs in the 2D case show unique characteristics when compared to the higher dimensions. As a result, in order to guarantee the invertibility of the layer potentials and, consequently, the BDIEs unique solvability, we must impose requirements on the function spaces.
2. Preliminaries
Let Ω=Ω+be an unbounded open domain in R2 such that the complement Ω-:=R2Ω is bounded open domain. Let the boundary Ω=Ω-be closed and infinitely smooth curve. The space of infinitely differentiable functions having compact support in Ω is denotes by D(Ω) and its dual space, the space of distributions, by D'(Ω), while D(Ω) is the set of restrictions on Ω of functions from DR2. The spaces Hs(Ω),Hs(Ω) denote the Sobolev (Bessel potential) spaces. We also denote H̃sΓ1=g:gHs(Γ), supp gΓ1̅,HsΓ1= rΓ1g:gHs(Γ), where Γ1 is a proper submanifold of a closed surface Γ and rΓ1 is the restriction operator on Γ1. Moreover for s=-12 we define the subspace H**-12Γ1 of H-12Γ1 as H**-12Γ1:=rΓ1g:gH-12(Γ):g,1Γ=0 We shall consider the following second order partial differential equation, with variable coefficient
Au(x):=i=12xia(x)u(x)xi=f(x) xΩ(1)
where u is unknown function; f(x) and a(x)>a0>0 are given functions in Ω. We will further use the weighted Sobolev spaces.
For any real α, we denote by L2ρα;Ω the weighted Lebesgue space (e.g., ) consisting of all measurable functions g(x) on Ω such that gραL2(Ω), i.e.,
The space L2ρα;Ω, equipped with the norm L2ρα;Ω and appropriate inner product, is a Hilbert space. The weighted Sobolev space H1(Ω) is defined by
and for its norm we have gH1(Ω)2:=gL2ρ-1;Ω2+gL2(Ω)2, while|g|H1(Ω)2:=i=12Ωgxi2dx=gL2(Ω)2 is the square of the semi-norm. The space DR2 is dense in H1R2, (e.g., Theorem 7.2 in ). This implies that the dual space of H1R2, denoted by H-1R2, is a space of distributions. It is possible to show that the space D(Ω) is dense in H1(Ω) by using the corresponding property of the space H1(Ω). The trace operator γ+on Ω defined on functions from H1(Ω), satisfies the usual trace theorems. This allows to define in particular the subspace
It can be proved that D(Ω) is dense in H01(Ω) and therefore, its dual space is a space of distributions. Let us denote by H̃1(Ω) a completion of D(Ω) in H1R2, and H̃-1(Ω):=H1(Ω)', H-1(Ω):=H̃1(Ω)' are the corresponding dual spaces. The inclusion L2(ρ;Ω)H-1(Ω) holds and a distribution f in the dual space H̃-1(Ω) has the form f=i=12gixi+f0, where giL2R2 and is zero outside Ω,f0L2(ρ;Ω), (e.g., Eq. (2.5.129) in ). This implies that D(Ω) is dense in H̃-1(Ω) and DR2 is dense in H-1R2.
Lemma 1. The space H1(Ω) contains constant functions.
Proof. Let CR then from Definition 2.2 the result follows.
Note That 1. Lemma 1 implies that, the space of real constants, R, is a closed subspace of H1(Ω). Hence we can define the quotient space H1(Ω)/R, which is a complete normed space, and its norm is given by u+RH1(Ω)/R=infcRu+ cH1(Ω). The dual space H1(Ω)/R' is identified with H̃-1(Ω)R, i.e., H1(Ω)/R'=H̃-1(Ω)R since they are isometrically isomorphic (e.g., Lemma 2.12(ii) in ) Similarly, H̃1(Ω)/R'=H-1ΩR. The following Poincaré-type inequalities hold (e.g., Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 in ).
Theorem 1. (i) The semi-norm ||H1(Ω) defined on H1(Ω)/R is a norm equivalent to the quotient norm, i.e., there exist positive constants k1,K1 such that
(ii) Moreover, the semi-norm ||H1(Ω) is a norm on H01(Ω) equivalent to the norm H1(Ω), i.e., there exist positive constants k2,K2 such that
For uH1(Ω) and the coefficient axLΩ,PDE (1) is well defined in the sense of distribution as Au,vΩ:=-au,vΩ=-E(u,v), for any vD(Ω), where E(u,v):=ΩE(u,v)(x)dx, E(u,v)(x):=v(x)a(x)u(x). From here on, unless specified otherwise, we presume that there exist some constants a0,a1 such that
aLR2 and 0<a0<a(x)<a1<  for xR2(3)
To obtain boundary-domain integral equations, we will also always consider the coefficient a such that
aC1R2 and ρaLR2(4)
(e.g., ) for uH1(Ω), if uH1Ω+, then from the trace theorem it follows that, γ+uH12(Ω), where γ+=γΩ+is the trace operator on Ω from the exterior domain Ω+.
For the operator A, similar to for the three dimensional case, we introduce the space, H1,0(Ω;A):=gH1(Ω):AgL2(ρ;Ω), where the norm is given by its square, gH1,0(Ω;A)2:=gH1(Ω)2+AgL2(ρ;Ω)2. For uH1,0(Ω;A), as in the 3 D case, , we define the canonical co-normal derivative T+uH-12(Ω) similar to, for example in Lemma 3.2 of and Lemma 4.3 of as
T+u,ωΩ:=Ωγ-1+ωAu+Eu,γ-1+ωdx  ω H12(Ω)
where γ-1+:H12(Ω)H1(Ω) is a bounded right inverse to the trace operator γ+:H1(Ω)H12(Ω), and ,Ω denotes the duality brackets between the spaces H-12(Ω) and H12(Ω) which extends the usual L2(Ω) scalar product. The operator T+:H1,0(Ω;A)H-12(Ω) is continuous and gives the continuous extension to H1,0(Ω;A) of the classical co-normal derivative operator an, where n=γ+n and n=n+is normal vector on Ω directed outward the exterior domain Ω. When a1, we employ for T+the notation TΔ+, which is the continuous extension on H1,0(Ω;Δ) of the classical normal derivative operator n. Similar to the proofs available in Lemma 3.4 of (for the spaces Hs,t(Ω;A) see also ), one can show that for uH1,0(Ω;A) and vH1(Ω) the first Green identity
T+u,γ+vΩ=ΩvAu+Eu,vdx vH1Ω(5)
holds true. Then, for any chooses of u,vH1,0(Ω;A) we obtain the second Green identity,
Remark 1. If a satisfies condition (3) and the second condition in (4), then ||gaH1(Ω)C1gH1(Ω),g1aH1(Ω)C2gH1(Ω), where the constant C1 and C2 are independent of gH1(Ω), which means, a and 1/a are multipliers in the space H1(Ω).
3. Mixed BVP in Exterior Domains
Let Ω=Ω̅DΩ̅N, where ΩD and ΩNare relatively open, non-empty and non-intersecting parts of Ω. We will derive and analyze the system of BDIEs for the following mixed BVP: Given fL2(ρ;Ω)R,ψ0H**-12ΩN and φ0H12ΩD, find a function uH1,0(Ω;A) such that:
Au =f in Ω(7)
γ+=φ0 on ΩD(8)
T+=ψ0 on ΩN(9)
Here Ω=ΩN̅ΩD̅, while ΩD and ΩN are nonintersecting simply connected sub-manifolds of Ω with an infinitely smooth boundary curve l=ΩN̅ΩD̅
Let us denote by AM=A,T+,γ+T:H1,0(Ω;A)L2(ρ;Ω)R× H**-12ΩN×H12ΩD, the operator on the left, which is obviously continuous. As with the three-dimensional case's proof in , one can show the following assertion in the 2D case. (e.g; Theorem 8.6 in ).
Theorem 2. Under conditions (3), the Mixed problem (7)-(9) is uniquely solvable and its solution can be written as u=AM-1f,ψ0,φ0T, where the operator AM-1:L2(ρ;Ω)×H-12ΩN×H12ΩDH1,0(Ω;A) is continuous.
4. Parametrix-Based Potentials in Exterior Domain
A function P(x,y) is a parametrix (Levi function) for the operator A if AxP(x,y)= δ(x-y)+R(x,y), where δ is the Dirac-delta distribution, while R(x,y) is a remainder possessing at most a weak (integrable) singularity at x=y. In particular, (e.g., ) the function
P(x,y)=ln|x-y|2πa(y), x,yR2(10)
is a parametrix for the operator Ax,x given by:
Where R(x,y)=i=12xi-yi2πa(y)|x-y|2a(x)xi, x,yR2 (12)
Let uD(Ω). For any fixed yΩ, let Bε(y) be an open ball centered at y with a sufficiently small radius ε>0, and let Br(0) be an open ball centered at the origin with a radius r large enough to contain Ω and the support tabof u, put Ωε:= ΩBr(0)Bε(y), we have R(,y)L2ρ;Ωε and thus P(,y)H1,0Ωε by (11). Applying the second Green identity (6) in Ωε with v=P(y,) and taking usual limits as ε0, (eg., ), we get the third Green identity in Ωr:=ΩBr(0),
for uD(Ω).
are, respectively, the remainder potentials and parametrix-based Newtonian, while
are the parametrix-based single layer and double layer potentials. Deducing (13) we took into account that u0 in ΩBr(0)Ω supp u. Since no term in (13) depends on r if r is sufficiently large, we obtain that (13) is valid in the whole domain Ω for any uD(Ω).
From definitions (10) -(12) and (14)-(15) The parametrix-based potential operators can be represented in terms of their corresponding ones for a=1 (i.e., associated with the Laplace operator Δ), (eg., ),
The Newtonian and the remainder potential operators given by (14) for Ω=R2 will be denoted as P and R, respectively, and the relations similar to (16) hold for them as well.
5. Invertibility of the Single Layer Potential Operator
The boundary integral operator VΔ:H-1/2(Ω)H1/2(Ω) is Fredholm operator of index zero (e.g., Theorem 7.6 in ). Thus the relation (16), leads to the same result for single layer potential V. For the 3-D case, the following holds. For ψ*H-1/2(Ω), if Vψ*(y)=0,yΩ, then ψ*=0, which implies the invertibility of single layer potential operator mapping from H-1/2(Ω) to H1/2(Ω). But it is not true in the two dimensional case. It is well known for some 2D domains the kernel of the operator VΔ is non-zero, which by (16) also implies that kerV{0} for the same domains. The following example illustrates this fact.
Example 1. Take the density function ϕ1 and Ω=B0,R to be a disc of radius R centered at the origin and Ω=B0,R be the circular boundary of the disc. We can show that
Proof. Let ϕ1. Then
If |y|>R, then the function g(x)=ln|y-x| is harmonic in the disk B(0,R). Then g(x) has the mean value property,
12π|x|=R ln|y-x|dSx=Rln|y|,  for |y|>R(17)
For |y|R, in particular take y=0,
The relation (17) implies that, the limit of the value of the potential when |y| approach the boundary from exterior is given by
lim|y|R+VΔϕ(y)=RlnR for |y|=R
Furthermore, since the single layer potential is continuous on R2 we have
VΔϕ(y)=RlnR  for |y|=R
To determine the value of the potential inside the disc for y0, we use the maximum/minimum principle. Since the single layer potential is harmonic on Ω it has neither maximum nor minimum in the disc. Let
C0=VΔϕy0  for 0<y0<R
If we assume C0RlnR, i.e., C0 is different from the value of potential on the boundary, we will arrive contradiction of the maximum principle. Thus VΔϕ(y) is constant on Ω. Therefore, VΔϕ(y)=RlnR,  for |y|R.
Remark 2. In the above example, if we take the value of R=1, and since a(y)0, then ()(y)=0 in Ω.
Example 1 shows that, the kernel of the operator V:H-1/2(Ω)H1/2(Ω) contains non zero element for a unit ball, i.e., ker V{0} for Ω=B(0,1), which means, the operators V is not one to one for this particular domain. Consequently, the following question may arise: does the kernel of V contain a non-zero element on every bounded domain in R2? The answer is no.
Theorem 3. The following spaces are subspaces of L2(ρ;Ω),H1,0(Ω;A) and H̃sΓ1,Hs(Ω), respectively, Where Γ1Ω
(i) L2(ρ;Ω)R:=fL2(ρ;Ω):f,1Ω=0
(ii) H1,0(Ω;A):=gH1(Ω):AgL2(ρ;Ω)R
(iii) H**s(Ω):=ψHs(Ω):ψ,1Ω=0,H̃**sΓ1:=ψH̃sΓ1:ψ,1Γ1=0
Proof. (i) let f and g be in L2(ρ;Ω)R and α,βR then αf+βgL2(ρ;Ω) then
αf+βg,1Ω =αf,1Ω+βg,1Ω  =αf,1Ω+βg,1Ω  =0
(ii) let f and g be in H1,0(Ω;A) and α,βR then αf+βgH1,0(Ω;A) then by linearity of an operator A and L2(ρ;Ω)R above,
A(αf+βg) =A(αf)+A(βg)  =αAf+βAg  L2(ρ;Ω)R
(iii) let ψ and φ be in H**s(Ω) and α,βR then αψ+βφHs(Ω) then
αψ+βφ,1Ω =αψ,1Ω+βφ,1Ω  =αψ,1Ω+βφ,1Ω  =0
Similarly the right hand side of (iii) follows from the proof of item (iii).
In order to have invertibility for the single layer potential operator in 2D, we consider the following theorem.
Theorem 4. If ψH**-12(Ω) satisfies Vψ=0 on Ω, then ψ=0.
Proof. The theorem holds for the operator VΔ (e.g, corollary 8.11(ii) in ),
 Vψ=0  1a(y)VΔψ=0  ψ=0, sincea(y)0,VΔ0
Lemma 2. If uH1,0(Ω;A) then T+uH**-12(Ω).
Proof. Employing the first Green identity (5) with v=1, we have:
T+u,1Ω =Ω1Audx  =Au,1Ω  =0;since  AuL2(ρ;Ω)R
In addition to conditions (3) and (4) on the coefficient a, we will sometimes also need the condition
Employing that the corresponding mapping properties hold true for the potentials associated with the Laplace operator Δ, (eg. Section 8 in ) and references therein, relations (16) lead to the following assertion. (e.g., Theorem 4.1 in and Theorem 3 in ).
Theorem 5. The following operators are continuous under conditions (4).
 P:H-1R2RH1R2 P:H̃-1(Ω)RH1R2 R:L2ρ-1;R2H1R2 V:H**-12(Ω)H1(Ω) W:H12(Ω)H1(Ω)
while The following operators are continuous under conditions (4) and (18).
 P:L2(ρ;Ω)RH1,0R2;A R:H1(Ω)H1,0(Ω;A) V:H**-12(Ω)H1,0(Ω;A) W:H12(Ω)H1,0(Ω;A)
Remark 3. Similar to Theorem 3.12 one can prove that D(Ω) is dense in H1,0(Ω;A) also in H1,0(Ω;A) which then implies by theorem 5 and lemma 2, (13) holds for any uH1,0(Ω;A).
The boundary integral (pseudo-differential) operators of the direct values and of the co-normal derivatives of the single and double layer potentials are defined by
Vgy-ΓPx,ygxdsx ;  
 Wgy:=-ΓTxPx,ygxdsx yΓ(19)
 L±g(y):=Ty±Wg(y) yΓ(20)
The mapping and jump properties of the operators (19)- (20) follow from relations (16) and are described in details in . Particularly, their jump relations are given by the following theorem presented in Theorem 2, .
Theorem 6. let g1H-12(Γ),g2H12(Γ) and aC1R2. Then
where yΩ.
employing the co-normal derivative and trace operators to the third Green identity (13), and using the jump relations for the potential operators we obtain for uH1,0(Ω;A),
12γ+u+γ+Ru-VT+u+Wγ+u=γ+PAu  on Ω(21)
12T+u+T+Ru-W'T+u+L+γ+u=T+PAu  on Ω(22)
Conditions (4) are assumed to hold for (21) and conditions (4) and (18) for (22). For some functions f,Ψ and Φ let us consider a more general indirect integral relation associated with equation (13).
u+Ru-VΨ+WΦ=Pf  in Ω(23)
Lemma 3. Let uH1,0(Ω),fL2(ρ;Ω)R,ΨH**-12(Ω), and Φ H12(Ω) satisfy equation (23) and let conditions (4) and (18) hold. Then, u is a solution of the equation
Au=f  in Ω(24)
VΨ-T+u-WΦ-γ+u=0,  in Ω(25)
Proof. Since uH1,0(Ω;A), by Remark 3 we can write the third Green identity (13) for the function u. Then subtracting (23) from it, we obtain
-VΨ*+WΦ*=P[Au-f]  in Ω(26)
where Ψ*:=T+u-Ψ and Φ*:=γ+u-Φ. Multiplying equality (26) by a(y) we get
-VΔΨ*+WΔaΦ*=PΔ[Au-f]  in Ω
Applying the Laplace operator Δ to the last equation and taking into consideration that both functions in the left-hand side are harmonic potentials, while the right-hand side function is the classical Newtonian potential, we arrive at Eq. (24) Substituting (24) back into (26) leads to (25).
Lemma 4. Let conditions (4) and (18) hold.
(i) If Ψ*H**-12(Ω) and VΨ*=0 in Ω, then Ψ*=0.
(ii) If Φ*H12(Ω) and WΦ*(y)=0 in Ω, then Φ*(x)=C/a(x), where C is a constant.
(iii) let Ω=Γ1̅Γ2̅, where Γ1 and Γ2 are nonempty non intersecting simply connected submanifolds of Ω with infinitely smooth boundaries.
If Ψ*H̃**-12Γ1,Φ*H̃12Γ2 and VΨ*(y)-WΨ*(y)=0 in Ω, then Ψ*=0 and Φ*=0 on Ω.
Proof. The proof of item (i) follows from theorem 4, while the proof of item (iii) is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.12 .
To prove item (ii), from the first Green identity (5) for the interior domain Ω-employing for v(x)=C,A=Δ,u=ln|x-y|2π and for any yΩ, the function ΦΔ=C satisfies the equation WΔΦΔ=0 in the exterior domain Ω for any C= const. Now let us check there is no other solution of the equation in Ω in H12(Ω). By the Lyapunov-Tauber theorem TΔ+WΔΦΔ=TΔ-WΔΦΔ=0 on Ω, which implies WΔΦΔ= const inthe interior domain Ω- due to the uniqueness up to a constant of the solution of the Neumann problem in H12Ω-. Then by the jump property of the double layer ΦΔ= const. Applying the relation Wg=1aWΔ(ag) completes the proof of item (ii).
6. BDIEs for Exterior Mixed BVP
To reduce the variable-coefficient Mixed BVP (7)-(9) to a segregated boundary domain integral equation systems, Let us fix an extension Φ0H12(Ω) of the given function φ0 in the condition (8) from ΩD to the whole of Ω and an extension Ψ0H**-12(Ω) of the given function ψ0 in the condition (9) from ΩN to the whole of Ω. moreover Φ0 and Ψ0 are considered as known.
For a given function f in L2(ρ;Ω)R, assume that the function u satisfies the PDEAu=f in Ω. Then, we can reduce the BVP (7)-(9) to a system of Boundary-Domain Integral Equations (BDIEs) and in all of them we represent in (13), (21) and (22) the trace of the function u and in its co-normal derivative as
γ+u=Φ0+φ, φH̃12ΩN; T+u=Ψ0+ψ,  ψH̃**-12ΩD
and will regard the new unknown functions φ and ψ as formally segregated of uH1,0(Ω;A). Thus we will look for the triplet
BDIE system (M11). Obtained under conditions (4) and (18), using equation (13) in Ω, the restriction of equation (21) on ΩD, and the restriction of equation (22) on ΩN, we arrive at the BDIE system (M11) of three equations for the triplet of unknowns, (u,ψ,φ),
u+Ru-+=F0  in Ω(27)
γ+Ru-Vψ+Wφ=γ+F0-Φ0  on  ΩD(28)
T+Ru-W'ψ+L+φ=T+F0-Ψ0  on  ΩN(29)
F0:=Pf+VΨ0-WΦ0  in  Ω(30)
We denote the matrix operator of the left hand side of the systems (M11) as
Remark 4. Due to the mapping properties of operators involved in M11, The operator M11:H1,0(Ω;A)×H̃**-12ΩD×H̃12ΩNH1,0(Ω;A)×H12ΩD× H-12ΩN is bounded. And also F11=0 if and only if f,Φ0,Ψ0=0.
Proof. () evidently true.
() from equation (30) we have that F0H1,0(Ω;A) and by our assumption 0=F0 implies F0H1,0(Ω;A), Lemma 3 with F0=0 for u implies f=0 and VΨ0-WΦ0=0, in Ω and The equalities γ+F0=Φ0 on ΩD and T+F0=Ψ0 on ΩN, implies Φ0=φ0=0 on ΩD and Ψ0=ψ0=0 on ΩN that is, Ψ0H̃**-12ΩD and Φ0H̃12ΩN. Lemma 4 (iii) implies Φ0=Ψ0= 0.
BDIE system (M12). Obtained under conditions (4) and using equation (13) in Ω and equation (21) on the whole of Ω, we arrive at the BDIE system (M12) of two equations for the triplet (u,ψ,φ),
 u+Ru-+=F0  in Ω 12φ+γ+Ru-Vψ+Wφ=γ+F0-Φ0  on  Ω
The left hand side matrix operator of the system is
Remark 5. Due to the mapping properties of operators involved in M12, The operator M12:H1,0(Ω;A)×H̃**-12ΩD×H̃12ΩNH1,0(Ω;A)×H12(Ω) is bounded. And also F12=0 if and only if f,Φ0,Ψ0=0.
Proof. () evidently true.
() from equation (30) we have that F0H1,0(Ω;A) and by our assumption 0=F0 implies F0H1,0(Ω;A), Lemma 3 with F0=0 for u implies f=0 and VΨ0-WΦ0=0, in Ω and The equalities γ+F0=Φ0 on Ω, implies Φ0=0. Lemma 4 (i) implies Ψ0=0.
BDIE system (M21). Obtained under conditions (4) and (18) and Using equation (13) in Ω and equation (22) on the whole of Ω, we arrive at the BDIE system (M21) of two equations for the triplet (u,ψ,φ),
u+Ru-+=F0  in Ω(31)
12ψ+T+Ru-W'ψ+L+φ=T+F0-Ψ0  on  Ω(32)
The left hand side matrix operator of the system is
Remark 6. Due to the mapping properties of operators involved in M21, The operator M21:H1,0(Ω;A)×H̃**-12ΩD×H̃12ΩNH1,0(Ω;A)×H-12(Ω) is bounded.
BDIE system (M22). Obtained under conditions (4) and (18) and using equation (13) in Ω, the restriction of equation (22) on ΩD, and the restriction of equation (21) on ΩN, we arrive for the triplet (u,ψ,φ) at the BDIE system (M22) of three equations of "almost" the second kind (up to the spaces),
 u+Ru-+=F0  in Ω 12ψ+T+Ru-W'ψ+L+φ=T+F0-Ψ0  on  ΩD 12φ+γ+Ru-Vψ+Wφ=γ+F0-Φ0  on  ΩN
The matrix operator of the left hand side of the system (M22) takes form
Remark 7. Due to the mapping properties of operators involved in M22, The operator M22:H1,0(Ω;A)×H**-12ΩD×H12ΩNH1,0(Ω;A)×H-12ΩD× H12ΩN is bounded. And also F22=0 if and only if f,Φ0,Ψ0=0.
Proof. The proof follows in the similar way as in the Remark 4 proof.
7. Equivalence and Uniqueness Theorems
Theorem7. Let φ0H12ΩD,ψ0 H**-12ΩN,L2(ρ;Ω)R and let Φ0H12(Ω) and Ψ0H**-12(Ω) be some extensions of φ0 and ψ0, respectively, and conditions (4) and (18) hold.
(i) If a function uH1,0(Ω;A) solves the BVP (7)-(9), then the triplet (u,ψ,φ), where
solves the BDIE systems (M11), (M12), (M21) and (M22).
(ii) If a triplet (u,ψ,φ)H1,0(Ω;A)×H̃**-12ΩD×H̃12ΩN solves one of the BDIE systems (M11), (M12) or (M22), then this solution is unique and solves all the systems, including (M21), while u solves BVP (7)-(9) and relations (33) hold.
Proof. (i) immediately follows from the deduction of the BDIE systems (M11), (M12), (M21) and (M22).
(ii) Let a triplet (u,ψ,φ)T solve BDIE system (M11), (M12) or (M22). The hypotheses of Lemma 3 are satisfied for the first equation in BDIE system, implying that u solves PDE (7) in Ω, while the following equation holds:
VΨ*-WΦ*=0  in  Ω(34)
where Ψ*=Ψ0+ψ-T+u and Φ*=Φ0+φ-γ+u.
Suppose first that the triplet (u,ψ,φ)T solves BDIE system (M11). Taking trace of (27) on ΩD using the jump relations of Theorem 6, and subtracting (28) from it, we obtain
γ+u=φ0  on  ΩD(35)
i.e., u satisfies the Dirichlet condition (8). Taking the co-normal derivative of Eq. (27) on ΩN, using the jump relations on Theorem 6 and subtracting Eq. (29) from it, we obtain
T+u=ψ0  on  ΩN(36)
i.e., u satisfies the Neumann condition (9). Hence u solves the mixed BVP (7)-(9).
Taking into account φ=0,Φ0=φ0 on ΩD and ψ=0,Ψ0=ψ0 on ΩN, (35) and (36) imply that the first equation in (33) is satisfied on ΩN and the second equation in (33) is satisfied on ΩD. Thus we have Ψ*H̃**-12ΩD and Φ*H̃12ΩN in (34). Let Γ1=ΩD,Γ2=ΩN. Then Lemma 4 (iii) implies Ψ*=Φ*=0, which completes the proof of conditions in (33). Uniqueness of the solution to BDIE systems (M11) follows from (33) along with remark 4 and Theorem 2.
Finally, item (i) implies that triplet (u,ψ,φ)T solves also BDIE systems (M12), (M21) and (M22).
Similar arguments work if we suppose that instead of the BDIE systems (M11), the triplet (u,ψ,φ)T solves BDIE systems (M12) or (M22).
The situation with uniqueness and equivalence for system (M21) differs from the one for other systems and from its counterpart BDIE system (M21) in , particularly because item (ii) of Lemma 4 is different from its analog, Lemma 2.11 (ii) in . This leads to the following assertion.
Theorem 8. Letφ0H12ΩD,ψ0H**-12ΩN,fL2(ρ;Ω)R and let Φ0H12(Ω) and Ψ0H**-12(Ω) be some extensions of φ0 and ψ0, respectively, and conditions (4) and (18) hold.
(i) Homogeneous BDIE system (M21) admits only one linearly independent solution u0,ψ0,φ0H1,0(Ω;A)×H̃**-12ΩD×H̃12ΩN, where u0 is the solution of the mixed BVP
Au0=0  in Ω(37)
rΩDγ+u0=1ax  on ΩD(38)
rΩNT+u0=0  on ΩN(39)
ψ0=T+u0, φ0=γ+u0-1/a(x)  on  Ω(40)
(ii) The non-homogeneous BDIE systems (M21) is solvable, and any it’s Solution
(u,ψ,φ)H1,0(Ω;A)×H̃**-12ΩD×H̃12ΩN can be represented as
u=ù+Cu0  in  Ω(41)
where ù solves the BVP (7)-(8) and C is a constant, while
ψ=T+ù-Ψ0+Cψ0, φ=γ+ù-Φ0+Cφ0  on  Ω(42)
Proof. Problem (37)-(39) is uniquely solvable in H1,0(Ω;A) by Theorem 2. Consequently, the third Green identity (13) is applicable to u0, leading to
u0+Ru0-Vψ0+Wφ0=0  in  Ω(43)
with notations (40), if we take into account that W(1/a(x))=0 in Ω due to the second relation in (16) and the equality WΔ1=0 in Ω (cf. the proof of Lemma 4(ii)). Taking the co-normal derivative of (43) and substituting the first equation of (40) again, we arrive at
12ψ0+T+Ru0-W'ψ0+L+φ0=0  on  Ω(44)
Equations (43)-(44) mean that the triplet u0,ψ0,φ0 solves the homogeneous BDIE system (M21).
To prove item (ii) and check that there exists only one linearly independent solution of the homogeneous BDIE system (M21), we proceed as follows. First, we remark that the solvability of the non-homogeneous system (M21) follows from the solvability of the BVP (7)-(8) in H1,0(Ω;A) and the deduction of system (M21).
Let now a triplet (u,ψ,φ)H1,0(Ω;A)×H̃**-12ΩD×H̃12ΩN solve (generally non-homogeneous) BDIE system (M21). Take the co-normal derivative of equation (31) on Ω and subtract it from equation (32) to obtain
ψ+Ψ0-T+u=0  on  Ω(45)
Taking into account that ψ=0 and Ψ0=ψ0 on ΩN, this implies that u satisfies condition (9).
Equations (31) and (30) and Lemma 3 with Ψ=ψ+Ψ0,Φ=φ+Φ0 imply that u is a solution of equation (7) and
VΨ0+ψ-T+u-WΦ0+φ-γ+u=0  in  Ω(46)
Due to (45) the first term vanishes in (46), and by Lemma 4(ii) we obtain
Φ0+φ-γ+u=-C/a(x)  on  Ω(47)
where C is a constant. Taking into account that φ=0 on DΩ and Φ0=φ0 on ΩD, we conclude that u satisfies the Dirichlet condition
γ+u=φ0+C/a(x)  on  ΩD(48)
instead of (8). Introducing notation ù by (41) in (45), (47) and (48) and taking into account (37)-(39) prove the claim of item (ii). The case φ0= 0,Φ0=0,ψ0=0,Ψ0=0,f=0 leading to the homogeneous BDIE system (M21) also implies that ù for this case satisfies homogeneous BVP (7)-(9) and thus ù=0 in (41) and (42) meaning that the triplet u0,ψ0,φ0 is the only linearly independent solution of the homogeneous BDIE system (M21). This completes the proof of item (i) and of the whole theorem.
8. Future Work
Future work on the BDIEs for Variable Coefficient Mixed BVP in 2D Unbounded Domain, will consider the Fredholm properties and invertibility of the corresponding BDIOs in weighted Sobolev spaces. and we will also consider the Direct segregated systems of BDIEs for the Neumann BVPs for a scalar second order divergent elliptic PDEs with a variable coefficient in an exterior two-dimensional domain. and we will again consider the equivalence of BDIE system to the original boundary value problems and the Fredholm properties and invertibility of the corresponding BDIOs are to be analyzed in weighted Sobolev spaces for in the future.
9. Conclusion
In this paper, we have considered a second-order elliptic partial differential equation with a variable coefficient in a 2D Unbounded domain, in appropriate weighted Sobolev space. The right-hand side functions were from L2(ρ;Ω) R and the Mixed data from the space H**-12ΩN and H12ΩD. The BVP was reduced to four systems of Boundary Domain Integral Equations and their equivalence to the original BVP and Uniqueness property was shown.
The properties of a parametrix-based potential operator that contain logarithmic singularity were investigated. Unlike properties in 3D case, The single layer potential needs special consideration to be invertible, which is critical on this study.


Boundary Domain Integral Equation


Mixed Boundary Value Problem


Partial Differential Equation


Boundary Value Problem


Boundary Domain Integral Operator

First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Engineer Masresha Kuma, who has been the inspiration behind this work and my entire mathematical journey. I am also profoundly grateful to my advisor, Dr. Tsegaye Ayele, for his unwavering support, insightful guidance, and constructive feedback throughout this endeavour.
Additionally, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Professor Sergay Mikailov for his invaluable contributions and mentorship. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge my student, Makriana Birhanu who has been the inspiration behind this work.
Author Contributions
Eshetu Seid Ahimed is the sole author. The author read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Ahimed, E. S. (2024). Boundary Domain Integral Equations for Variable Coefficient Mixed BVP in 2D Unbounded Domain. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, 10(2), 23-32.

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    ACS Style

    Ahimed, E. S. Boundary Domain Integral Equations for Variable Coefficient Mixed BVP in 2D Unbounded Domain. Int. J. Theor. Appl. Math. 2024, 10(2), 23-32. doi: 10.11648/j.ijtam.20241002.12

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    AMA Style

    Ahimed ES. Boundary Domain Integral Equations for Variable Coefficient Mixed BVP in 2D Unbounded Domain. Int J Theor Appl Math. 2024;10(2):23-32. doi: 10.11648/j.ijtam.20241002.12

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ijtam.20241002.12,
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      title = {Boundary Domain Integral Equations for Variable Coefficient Mixed BVP in 2D Unbounded Domain
      journal = {International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics},
      volume = {10},
      number = {2},
      pages = {23-32},
      doi = {10.11648/j.ijtam.20241002.12},
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      eprint = {},
      abstract = {In this paper, the direct segregated Boundary Domain Integral Equations (BDIEs) for the Mixed Boundary Value Problems (MBVPs) for a scalar second order elliptic Partial Differential Equation (PDE) with variable coefficient in unbounded (exterior) 2D domain is considered. Otar Chkadua, Sergey Mikhailov and David Natroshvili formulated both the interior and exterior 3D domain of the direct segregated systems of BDIEs for the MBVPs for a scalar second order elliptic PDE with a variable coefficients. On the other hand Sergey Mikhailov and Tamirat Temesgen formulated only the interior 2D domain of the direct segregated systems of BDIEs for the MBVPs for a scalar second order divergent elliptic PDE with a variable coefficients. However, in this paper we formulated the exterior 2D domain of the direct segregated systems of BDIEs for the MBVPs for a scalar second order divergent elliptic PDE with a variable coefficients. The aim of this work is to reduce the MBVPs to some direct segregated BDIEs with the use of an appropriate parametrix (Levi function). We examine the characteristics of corresponding parametrix-based integral volume and layer potentials in some weighted Sobolev spaces, as well as the unique solvability of BDIEs and their equivalence to the original MBVPs. This analysis is based on the corresponding properties of the MBVPs in weighted Sobolev spaces that are proved as well.
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Boundary Domain Integral Equations for Variable Coefficient Mixed BVP in 2D Unbounded Domain
    AU  - Eshetu Seid Ahimed
    Y1  - 2024/08/30
    PY  - 2024
    N1  -
    DO  - 10.11648/j.ijtam.20241002.12
    T2  - International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics
    JF  - International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics
    JO  - International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics
    SP  - 23
    EP  - 32
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2575-5080
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    AB  - In this paper, the direct segregated Boundary Domain Integral Equations (BDIEs) for the Mixed Boundary Value Problems (MBVPs) for a scalar second order elliptic Partial Differential Equation (PDE) with variable coefficient in unbounded (exterior) 2D domain is considered. Otar Chkadua, Sergey Mikhailov and David Natroshvili formulated both the interior and exterior 3D domain of the direct segregated systems of BDIEs for the MBVPs for a scalar second order elliptic PDE with a variable coefficients. On the other hand Sergey Mikhailov and Tamirat Temesgen formulated only the interior 2D domain of the direct segregated systems of BDIEs for the MBVPs for a scalar second order divergent elliptic PDE with a variable coefficients. However, in this paper we formulated the exterior 2D domain of the direct segregated systems of BDIEs for the MBVPs for a scalar second order divergent elliptic PDE with a variable coefficients. The aim of this work is to reduce the MBVPs to some direct segregated BDIEs with the use of an appropriate parametrix (Levi function). We examine the characteristics of corresponding parametrix-based integral volume and layer potentials in some weighted Sobolev spaces, as well as the unique solvability of BDIEs and their equivalence to the original MBVPs. This analysis is based on the corresponding properties of the MBVPs in weighted Sobolev spaces that are proved as well.
    VL  - 10
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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